Thursday, September 22, 2011

How does a father get custody of his daughter?

You have to know the entire story to here it is...sorry it's lengthy...

My ex and I dated on and off. When I finally broke it off with her she tried everything to get back together. I had to change the locks on my doors! She called and told me she was pregnant and it was mine. Trying to be responsible, I took her back. 3 weeks after moving back in with me, I come home early from work and she and her twin (skanky) sister are sitting outside smoking and drinking daiqiuiri's! She then tells me that she had a miscarriage and didn't know how to tell me!!!! By the way during these 3 weeks she quit her job, so that I could support her.

So ok, she has a miscarriage, I'm sad and relieved all at the same time, then 2 weeks after this she is throwing up and super tired, well we took another pregnancy test and it was positive. My family and I believe she was never pregnant in the first place and lied to get back with me. Then after convincing me that she was already pregnant and we could have unprotected sex, she became pregnant!!!

So we had our daughter at the beginning of April, she went back to work at the end of May. She began acting very strangely, not coming home after work and on her day off (she only worked 4 days a week) she would ask my parents to keep our daughter. I find out that she has been leaving work with a guy she works with (who by the way is married) and started sleeping with him instead of coming home to help me with our child. So we break it off again (for good this time).

So 4 months later I meet my present wife. She is wonderful with my daughter. They both love each other very much! My ex hates this. We dated for a year and recently got married in October.

My ex has tried everything, she has keyed my wife's car, broken our bedroom window, in court accused my wife of a drug addiction (she has never even taken a pain pill, much less used drugs). My new wife reassures me everyday that we will make it through this. She comes from a divorced family who all get along great seriously, we have, what she calls %26quot;all 4 of her parents%26quot; over together all the time.

So back to the ex, in the past year we have been to court 3 times. Our schedule is so crazy it's like a circus. I have my daughter every other Saturday night and I pick her up from daycare monday-thursday at 4pm and have to have her home fed, bathed and clothed by 7pm (20 minutes away) So basically I get home we play for a while then we all eat dinner and I bathe her quickly and get her dressed then it's off to mom's house, who is usually never home and left with my ex's mother. On the weekends that my ex has her, I pick her up from the daycare on Monday and she looks like she hasn't been bathed all weekend.

I am paying $740/month in child support. Which she has used to purchase a new car, new breasts and a whole new wardrobe to fit them in. While she dresses our daughter in rags or shirts that say %26quot;If you think I'm cute, you should see my mom%26quot;

She has been fired from her last 2 jobs and is currently pregnant (with unknown father, she told the daycare it's definitely down to 2 guys). She drops our child off at daycare at 6:30am and goes home and sits on the couch all day and lets me pick her up and deliver her fed, bathed and clothed. Sometimes the next day my daughter will have on the same clothes or pajamas that I sent her home in the night before and when I ask her if she slept in them she says yes!! When I confront the ex about this she tells me that I need to give her more money so she can buy more clothes for our daughter. As if $740 isn't enough to buy a two year old clothes!

I just don't understand how such a negative roll model gets $740/month, spends it on her sits on her butt all day, and gets to be primary custodial parent!

I just want more time with my child 2 nights a month and the 2 1/2 hours on weekdays that are spent rushing around is not fair!

Sorry for the long version and there is tons of things not mentioned, I just need help!!!!!!!

Fathers that have custody of their children, let me know what I can do.How does a father get custody of his daughter?
Nabstam gave you excellent advice. In addition to this, the only thing I have to add is document EVERYTHING. Get proof of all of the good things you do and all of the bad things your ex does. Get evidence of things that the court will believe. Get witnesses to testify on your behalf that she is not a fit mother.

Good evidence will include letters, video tapes, witnesses, bills, etc, etc. It might also be possible to use tape recordings of your discussions with your EX. I am not sure if the court will allow it, but you might want to try or ask in your state if tape recordings are allowed.

If you have a friend with legal background, have them review your evidence. When you both feel that your evidence is strong enough, go to see a few lawyers, not just one. Visit lawyers who specializes family law.

Get an idea of the costs to represent you and ask them to give you their opinion of your chances of being successful. Get recommendations for your lawyers. Make sure that the lawyers are good, there are alot of bad ones out there, who will just waste your money.

It will probably cost alot of time and money to be successful. But if you have the right evidence and the right lawyer, you will.How does a father get custody of his daughter?
Hello, I read your story and it sounds a lot like what a guy is going through that I know, actually exactly. Please let me know the outcome if you have already gone to court. If there is one piece of advice it is DOCUMENT EVERYTHING, you can always throw out irrelevant info later.

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How does a father get custody of his daughter?
I went through a custody hearing 10yrs ago I won sole custody of my son. My ex was a drug user and alcoholic. My advice is to get as much factual evidence as possible take her to court and have a typed out statement with every detail to read. Keep a journal of everything dates times comments. GL

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How does a father get custody of his daughter?
Dude no one is going to read this whole d@mn thing. Take her to court. How does a father get custody of his daughter?
My husband and I won custody of his daughter from a nutty woman. It was a battle, but after we showed the court all the information, we won the case. Here are some suggestion if you know she is unfit as a mother.

-ask the court to appoint an independent assessment of the child, you and her. That weighs more on the court that someone you hire.

-Make and show ever effort you made to make things work with the mother. Write her a letter and verbally request anything you need/want from the mother. People will get in court and lie and say they never have been asked anything. But if you have it in writing, they can not deny. There is on old saying in social worker...if it isn't written, it doesn't exist.

-maintain excellent relationships with all people involved in your child's life,. You may even have to be overly active. They may make excellent witnesses in the future.

Good luck

How does a father get custody of his daughter?
tell the court exactly what your telling us.How does a father get custody of his daughter?
you need to get a lawyer and try to prove that she is indeed doing the things she is doing with that money. then you need to have a good job and a nice house a car and then a spare room for your daughter. And if you suspect she is doing drugs get a drug test ordered on her if you go to court that could help a lot. How does a father get custody of his daughter?
First you need to make a case

take pictures of your child video tape your child when she comes to you and when she goes back home back her mom next you are going to have document what she is doing then go to court..