Ok...here's the story. My boyfriend had been renting a room in an apartment for about 2 months with this guy. Two weeks ago, this guy changed the locks on the apartment door because someone had stolen his wallet and keys at the gym. No problem. He got my boyfriend a new key the next day. My boyfriend came home for the weekend this past weekend and when he returned, he couldn't get into the apartment. The locks had been changed again. There was no sign of my boyfriend's roommate and he could not be reached on his phone. So, my boyfriend slept in his car last Sunday night. On Monday, there was still no sign of his roommate, he emailed and called his roommate with no response, and he talked to the apartment complex, which yielded no help because my boyfriend's lease is with his roommate and not the complex itself. There was also a letter on the door from the apartment complex saying if rent was not paid by Friday (tomorrow), they would begin eviction process. Luckily a guy my boyfriend works with took pity on him and let him stay at his apartment the past couple of days.
Each day this week, my boyfriend has called, emailed, and went by the apartment to see if his roommate is there and no luck. Today, he went to the local police department. They were not of much help. They suggested that he break a window to get into the apartment, but knowing the type of person he is, that won't happen. I located the roommate's parents online and got their phone number, but he hasn't been able to get in touch with them. My boyfriend's things are still in the apartment and we have no way to get them.
Does anyone have any idea of what to do and what action can be taken? This has all taken place in VA if that helps. Thanks!HELP!!! Roommate changed locks and no idea of what to do...?
tell the police no one can get in touch with the roomate, and tell them he may be dead in the apartment, since the super has no key, they'll have to break in...then your BF can get his stuff and move on
if it were me, I would have broken in days ago and gotten my stuffHELP!!! Roommate changed locks and no idea of what to do...?
go and try to get in one way or another if there is absolutely nothing then just call someone who can open a door or break in and its not ur fault that he changed the locks and u guys culdn't get in so just make him pay for the doorHELP!!! Roommate changed locks and no idea of what to do...?
If the police suggested that he breaks a window, I'd do it. For all you know his roommate is dead in there. That's pretty intense, I hope **** works outHELP!!! Roommate changed locks and no idea of what to do...?
OK - here's what your BF has to do, he has to call a locksmith, have the Locksmith pic open the door, and you BF has to sign a piece of paper that absolves the locksmith from any liability after he is let into the apartment. You should have the landlord there, the same time the locksmith opens the door to verify that your BF didn't take any items except those that belong to him. Good Luck!HELP!!! Roommate changed locks and no idea of what to do...?
It does help to know where you are, it would help more to know what city you live in as well, however I cannot help as I know nothing of the laws in VA.
If you can find the guy or something your best course of action is to sue him. He is after all technically stealing.HELP!!! Roommate changed locks and no idea of what to do...?
get someone to pick the lock and get his stuff out and leave a note to bad so sad if i was there i could get in less 1 minute i was a lock smiths helperHELP!!! Roommate changed locks and no idea of what to do...?
- if he is on the lease he can not be locked out that illegal
-call the cops the roomier cold be hurt they will advise
-if the lock change thing keeps happening you gonna need counsel on your lease try this place
https://www.prepaidlegal.com/Multisite/Multisite?site=hub%26amp;assoc=dakotajonesHELP!!! Roommate changed locks and no idea of what to do...?
The person from whom the BF is renting is completely liable for any damages as a consequence of the illegal lockout including, but not limited to, hotel room, payment to locksmith, payment of damages to property owner, and so forth. Some state laws even authorize the court to grant double damages and lawyers' fees for doing something that stupid.
The good news is that the %26quot;eviction%26quot; process could take weeks and the property owner will want to break in and take possession as soon as possible. The BF should stay in touch with the property owner, so they don't remove his stuff to storage rather than simply letting him take it. If he wants to assume the lease in his own name, he might try to work that out with the property owner.