Ah, the joys of German car electrical systems.
If the battery is under the seat, like Audi, and you can find someone w/ jumper cables to give you a connection to their battery, you should be able to open the trunk, or if you can open the hood, there will be a battery or a hot terminal to permit a connection/jumpstart there325I trunk lock Won%26039;t open. Battery is dead, need to get in trunk to change. Key does not work, Ghost car.?
Sounds like a wire touching the body somewhere completing the circuit at random when you hit a bump. Just have to trace the wires down and try to find a place where the wire passes through some hole or over a sheet metal lip and the insulation has been compromised. Electrical tape or wire loom can fix it.
Good Luck!325I trunk lock Won%26039;t open. Battery is dead, need to get in trunk to change. Key does not work, Ghost car.?
This has happened several time on our car lot on lincolns that have battery in the trunk.
The key for the trunk doesn't actually turn a lock mechanism,it trips an electrical solenoid that turns the lock mechanism.
If you pop the hood,there should be a place to attach a jumper box for the positive terminal.
It will more than likely be near the underhood fusebox,and have a cover on it with a red cross for positive.
Simply put the negative on any metal engine part/brace you see.
If all else fails,and you can reach the alternator then simply attach the positive jumper cable to the largest wire/cable coming from the back of it.
Most vehicles have an easily accessible plug where the power comes into the underhood fuse box.
It's usually reachable by opening the cover on the fusebox and will simply be a thick red wire/cable bolted into one end of the fusebox.
It is the main power feed to the fusebox and leads directly back to the battery.