my spare car key is stolen and I want to change the car lock, does anyone know where can I ask for help? Thanks!What should I do if my spare car key is stolen?
If you lost your keys some where where no one knows where you live, do nothing. nothing going to happen.
if you lost you keys somewhere where they have your address and where the car is parked. just call the insurance and make sure you have good covage and relaxe. even if the keys are found on your car in the ignition with the car running. if they take it its grand theft. big time in jail for a used car.What should I do if my spare car key is stolen?
A locksmith could probably do the job, but it would be best to get it done at a dealer. Could be pricey, although leaving your ignition key the same would probably save a good amount of money.What should I do if my spare car key is stolen?
There are several ways to get this done from someone who this has happened too. First and foremost go to your Car Dealership and they can do a complete job. Or go to a hardware store and see if they have any and if they do take it to a Service Station with a mechanic who can replace the complete lock inside your car. Or if you are knowedgeable or have a friend who is you can buy it and do it yourself. So make your own choice. I am wishing you luck as you and I know this is very important. I have my spare set and make sure it stays with me. Good Luck.