Thursday, June 2, 2011

Our immobiliser is preventing us starting our car?

we cannot start our car as the fob which controls the lock and unlock on the car has immobilised our car. we changed the battery but is still not working. can you help please.Our immobiliser is preventing us starting our car?
yes we could possibly help you....BUT only if you tell us the make/model etc...were not mind readers you know!


Unlock the car using the key.

stand close to the car and press the padlock or dimpled button 4 times or more in quick sucsession.that should do it...Our immobiliser is preventing us starting our car?
Try locking the car with the key, then press the unlock button on the fob 5 times at 1 second intervals. That should re-sync the fob.

If this doesn't work, see if you still have the emergency key access code in the handbook. it is a sequence of key turns in the drivers door lock, this disables the immobiliser.

if you don't have the EKA code, you will have to get a replacement fob programmed to the car. any auto electrician will be able to do that for about 拢50 or so. Look in the yellow pages.Our immobiliser is preventing us starting our car?
Depends what kind of car you have. For example, we have a Ford Galaxy and when the battery went in the key fob, we had to take it to the local Ford garage as they say it requires a certain type of battery and if it isn't changed quickly enough, it can reset the diagnostics of your car engine.

Unfortunately, we probably could have done a better job than the local Ford garage because they still didn't change it quickly enough, resulting in the resetting of our diagnostics which in turn blew the turbo!

Don't know whether this helps but it might be a good idea to just check with your local garage that deals with your make of car.

Good luck!